100 Years of Suffrage Event

calendar icon 1 May 2018
From 9:30 am until 12:30 am

This is an invite to the 100 Years of Suffrage event being organised by Central Scotland Regional Equality Council, the Stirling Gender Based Violence Partnership, Forth Valley Rape Crisis Centre, Stirling District Women’s Aid and Shakti Women’s Aid.

The event will celebrate 100 Years of Suffrage, recount the journey so far on gender equality and women's rights, globally and locally, as well as explore what else needs to be done in relation to gender equality and women's rights in the Scottish and local context. Join us for speeches, workshops, information stalls, panel discussions, a local timeline of women's equality in Stirling and music.

When: Tuesday 1st May 2018
Time: 9:30-12:30 (registration from 9am)
Where: Albert Halls, Albert Place, Dumbarton Rd, Stirling FK8 2QL

Book your place for free here: https://stirlingsuffrage100.eventbrite.co.uk


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