To sign up for a Saltire account please click here
The Saltire Awards are a national initiative, recognised and supported by the Scottish Government. Saltire celebrates, recognises and rewards the commitment, contribution and achievements of young volunteers between the age of 12-25 in Scotland.
Saltire Awards allow young people to gain nationally recognised certificates which are signed by Scottish Government Ministers. The Saltire Awards are progressive meaning you can achieve awards over four levels:
- The Challenge - This is for those who are getting started in volunteering and can be achieved through one off volunteering opportunities e.g. fundraising at a coffee morning.
- The Approach - Achieved once you have completed 10 and 25 hours of volunteering.
- The Ascent - Achieved once you have completed 50, 100, 200 or even 500 hours of volunteering.
- The Summit - This is the highest level of Saltire Award and will only be achieved by those who have made an outstanding contribution to volunteering as well as completing the “Ascent”. This award can only be given to 12 people within each local authority per year. For the volunteer to receive this award they need to be nominated by the organisations they have been volunteering with.
Saltire Ambassador
Young volunteers who have completed the “Ascent” will be invited to become a Saltire Ambassador. This gives them the opportunity to further develop and build their skills by being involved in all aspects of the Saltire Awards; from promotional and publicity activities through to helping make decisions about taking part in local advisory groups.
Group Administration
Although the awards are for young people, who are encouraged to sign up for their own Saltire account and take ownership of their volunteering, there are many organisations, groups and schools which support young people to take part in volunteering activities within the community.
Therefore, a Group Administration function has been developed to allow volunteer involving organisations (VIOs) and schools to request and print Saltire Award Certificates on behalf of the young volunteers they support allowing them the recognition they deserve.
- Easy way to manage certificate requests.
- You can save PDF copies of certificates – extra copies can be printed when required and can be attached to volunteer records.
- Easy way to keep track of the hours your young volunteers’ are dedicating to your organisation.
For support in becoming a Group Administrator, please click here
Young Saltire Volunteer Journey's
(Braeport Memory Café)
"I felt a real sense of purpose, connecting with the elderly increasing my social and writing skills, further
developing my empathy and truly understanding what my community meant to me"
To view the full case study Click Here
(Stirling Young Carers)
"My experience has not only developed my multitasking abilities, confidence and communication skills, but my awareness of the great impact volunteers can have on their community"
"I decided to sign up for Saltire because it is an official certifying method that confirms your volunteer experience. This has been particularly useful when applying to university"
To view the full case study Click Here