Adult Communities Mental Health & Wellbeing Fund Information Session

calendar icon 18 September 2023
From 6:00 pm until 7:00 pm

This fund is being delivered and managed by Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) in partnership with local integrated health authorities and other partners including Community Planning Partnerships and local authority mental health leads.

Over £400K is being made available to third sector organisations to support Mental Health and Wellbeing in Communities across Clackmannanshire & Stirlingshire.

Applications will open the week commencing the 25th of September, and close on Monday the 30th of October at 5pm.

We have launched online information sessions for you to book onto to hear more about the funding, what the criteria is and an opportunity for you to ask any questions. We will be running three separate sessions to ensure everyone has an opportunity to attend.

Book a place here


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