Forth Valley Members’ Forum

calendar icon 21 May 2024
From 1:00 pm until 3:00 pm

Circular Communities Scotland is delighted to invite our Forth Valley based members to come together, network and engage at our in-person Forth Valley Forum, hosted at Alloa Community Enterprises. A light lunch will be available, with time for networking, before we spotlight some of our fantastic Forth Valley members.

There will be the spotlight on members session, an opportunity for attendees to share their current activities and output, followed by a Circular Communities Scotland update including a brief look at our work around Scottish Government’s Circular Economy Bill. This event is open to all Circular Communities Scotland members, from the Forth Valley areas of Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling, as well as those from surrounding regions and across Scotland.

To RSVP please email Elaine Ritchie at:


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