Effective Leadership in Volunteering

calendar icon 14 June 2023
From 10:00 am until 4:00 pm

Volunteer management relies on effective leadership to ensure volunteers feel engaged and supported within the organisation and to influence key stakeholders to gain support for volunteering at all levels.

This practical leadership course offers you the chance to consider the current context for volunteering in Scotland, to reflect on your own leadership style, to share practice with volunteer practitioners from across Scotland, and to learn from the expertise and experience of your Volunteer Scotland trainer.

This course will also help you gain an understanding of what good practice looks like in line with the volunteer quality standards, and how to ensure volunteers have a great volunteer experience.

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Explain the current context for volunteering in Scotland and its impact for your organisation.
Flex your leadership style to effectively direct and support individuals, teams and the task.
Influence key stakeholders to ensure volunteering has support at all levels.

Book Your Place Here


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