Enterprising Leadership Programme

calendar icon 29 May 2018
From 10:00 am until 4:00 pm

Would you like to have a bit more influence within your organisation?
Do you know what the growth mindset is and how it supports an enterprising approach to leadership?
Would you like to become more enterprising in your role and approach - both internally and within your community?

This programme explores some of the skills, mind-sets and behaviours required to lead in an enterprising and innovative way, enhancing your understanding of what it means to be enterprising and how this approach can support you to achieve your organisations vision, mission and values.
On this programme you will:

  • Identify the needs, benefits and challenges of becoming more entrepreneurial, as individuals and as an organisation
  • Explore the skills and behaviour of an enterprising leader and how to apply them
  • Gain practical growth tools that can help organisations to identify ways of becoming more entrepreneurial
  • Explore and understand a wider context that you operate in. How can we make 3rd sector more entrepreneurial?
  • Leave with a practical action plan

Through the support of the Scottish Government we are able to offer this leadership programme at a highly reduced fee of £95 per person.

>To book your place please click here


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