SVE Introduction to Fundraising

calendar icon 22 June 2018
From 9:30 am until 4:30 pm

Welcome to the Introduction to Fundraising course - what can you expect?

Are you new to the sector or thinking of changing careers into the sector and looking to improve and develop your understanding and knowledge of fundraising? Delivered by an Susan Robinson from the Institute of Fundraising, the Introduction to Fundraising course offers you a practical introduction to the profession covering basic principles and best practice. You will also learn how to ensure your fundraising activities are legal and ethical. As a result you should be able to better contribute to your organisation’s fundraising effectiveness and understand why your relationship(s) with your donors and supporters is critical to your success.

Who is this course for?
This one-day course is for individuals who may have less than six months fundraising experience and want to improve their current understanding. It’s designed for individuals new to a paid-for role involving fundraising but equally relevant for volunteers and trustees who need to expand their knowledge of fundraising. It’s also suitable for people who are not yet working in the sector or considering a career change into fundraising.
What are the benefits to you and your organisation?
By attending this course you will gain increased confidence through your improved knowledge and understanding of fundraising. This will help you develop your fundraising practice. You will have a better understanding of the fundamentals of why and how donors and supporters give, and have insight into how you can measure the success of your activities. Crucially you will also find out more about the legal requirements and standards which apply to fundraising and the role and importance of the independent Fundraising Regulator and Code of Practice.
What will you learn?

  • Explain the role of fundraising in your organisation and the wider non-profit environment
  • Ensure your fundraising is legal and ethical
  • Analyse the impact of the wider environment on your fundraising practice
  • Understand the fundraising planning process and your role within it
  • Compare different sources of funding for your organisation.
  • Create appropriate supporter communications, designed to develop good relationships


Cost - Subsidised cost of £20

>For further information contact

> To Book Tickets please click here



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