SVE's Annual General Meeting & Innovation and Resilience Summit

Notice of SVE's Annual General Meeting 2024 


Innovation and Resilience Summit 


Annual General Meeting of Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise Ltd and Partner Workshops 


The trustees of Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise Ltd. (SVE) warmly invite you to join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM). This year's AGM will be an opportunity to celebrate and reflect on the achievements of 2023/2024, and to collaborate on planning for a future of resilience and innovation in our sector. 


Event Details 


Date: Wednesday, 25th September 2024 


Time: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm (AGM at 11:45 am) 


Location: Colleges Scotland, Argyll Court, Castle Business Park, Stirling, FK9 4TY 


We are pleased to have opening remarks from Shumela Ahmed, who will set the tone for a day of insightful discussions and collaborative workshops. The event will also feature partner workshops, discussions on sector innovation, and opportunities to learn from each other’s experiences. Formal AGM business will begin at 11:45. Lunch, tea, and coffee will be provided. 






09:30Registration and Networking 




10:10Opening Remarks on our theme of resilience and innovation- Shumela Ahmed 




Building Community Assets for Sustainability- Theresa Elliot, Killin & Ardeonaig Community Development Trust (KAT). 


Promoting Wellbeing and Step on Stress in the Third Sector- Johanna Bauer and Cat Tabbner, Health Improvement NHS Forth Valley  




11:45 AGM of Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise Ltd.  


12:15Lunch and Networking  




Creativity in Partnership: Stirling Community Media and SVE- Tom Hunter, SCM and Tracy Duff, SVE 


Good Governance: Organisational Resilience and Innovation- Emma Macgregor, SVE Chair and Third Sector Governance Consultant 


14:00Closing Remarks 




Link to the AGM Business 


Link to SVE AGM’s Minutes 2023  


Notice of Special Resolution  


Link to SVE’s Financial Statements for 31st March 2024 


Proxy voting form 




Book a place here  

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