Stirling's Third Sector Breakfast Club Food Dignity & Sustainability
The most recent Third Sector Breakfast Club took place on Tuesday 21st February at the Mayfield Centre, St Ninians. The theme was Food Dignity and Sustainability and we welcomed a range of speakers who brought different knowledge and perspectives on the topic. Stirlingshire Voluntary Enterprise Interim Chief Executive Anne Knox opened the session.
Margaret Gilmour and her colleague Sarah Duley took us through the work of the Soil Association since their inception and introduced us to their Food for Life Programme, which aims to transform the way that we eat, and sets standards for food. Sarah spoke about the work they do to build a good food nation and the vision of the public sector as a beacon of good food. They talked about Stirling’s Food for life journey and the local conversation. This was followed by some interesting discussions and questions from the group.
Our next speaker was Andy Ireland from Start-Up Stirling who gave an enthusiastic talk on his take on food dignity and sustainability. He feels like better links could be made between organisations locally and he questions could we do more to ensure food is distributed with dignity. Andys talk was well received by the group.
We next welcomed Stephanie Stapleton Barnes from Forth Environment Link who talked us through Sustainable Food Places which is a network and accreditation scheme which has been going on for around ten years. It brings together communities and highlights the work which is taking place around sustainable food.
Our final Food Dignity and Sustainability Speaker for the morning was Martin Quigley from The Eden Project Communities. Martin told us about the vison for the Eden Project Communities which is for a world full of happier healthier people. Eden Project Communities promote The Big lunch which provides an opportunity for people to get together. 7 million people took part in the big lunch in 2022. People say it allows them to feel part of something bigger and gets people talking to each other. Martin advised the group of the resources available to support people who would like to plan their own Big Lunch.
Finally, Lesley Shaw and Michelle Duncan joined us from the Health and Social Care Partnership who are carrying out a consultation on the Strategic Plan. The Clackmannanshire and Stirling Health and Social Care team want to hear your views on the proposed new strategic plan which will cover the next 10 years. There is a consultation event planned for the 29th March.
The date of the next Third Sector Breakfast is May 23rd. Venue and theme tbc.