Third Sector Forums
Your voice matters. People across the third sector have a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience of their communities and the people they work with. The forums, hosted by SVE, are your opportunity to come together with others from across the sector to share ideas and practice. By bringing people together the forums enable the third sector to have a stronger, collective voice to influence policy and decision making through both the Community Planning Partnership and the Health and Social Care Partnership.
Health & Social Care
SVE, in partnership with CTSI, our equivalent organisation in Clackmannanshire, hosts a Health and Social Care Forum, which meets quarterly, and is a key way for Third Sector organisations and individuals in Clackmannanshire and Stirlingshire to find out what it current at the Health and Social Care Partnership, hear from local representatives to the Integration Joint Board and feed back both to the IJB and local Community Partnership Planning Partnerships. It fosters an environment where people can confidently express themselves to decision-makers and feel their voice is being represented through the Health and Social Care community representatives and puts organisations and the people they work with at the heart of the local planning process and acts as a sounding-board. The forum is a great place to share information, learning and network and is open to groups and individuals with an interest in health and social care in its widest sense.
To find out more about the forum or to add items to the agenda, please contact
For further information about forum dates and health and social care you can sign up to the CTSI Health and Social Care bulletin here.
>Minutes from February 11th 2019
>Minutes from September 23rd 2019
>Minutes from September 23rd 2019
Children & Families
The Children and Families Forum is a network open to third sector organisations who provide services for children and families. The forum aims to work collaboratively and strategically in order to bring about the best outcomes for children and families in Stirling. Meetings take place quarterly.
If you would like to attend or find out more please e-mail or phone 01786 430000.
>Minutes from 1st February 2018
>Minutes from 13th September 2018
>Minutes from 28th November 2018
>Minutes from 28th February 2019
>Minutes from 14th November 2019
Third Sector Leaders
The Third Sector Leaders Forum is a network which is open to all Chief Executives, Managers, and Chairs of the Third Sector in Stirling. The Third Sector Leaders Forum supplements other forums to be a space for discussion and debate on the strategic issues affecting the third sector as a whole. The Forum brings together leaders of the third sector in Stirling to debate and discuss issues of importance to the third sector, and enables them to work together to find collaborative solutions to opportunities and challenges. The third sector have a responsibility to promote each other, embrace new ways of working, and champion the role of early intervention and prevention to achieve the best outcomes for the people we work with. Meetings are held quarterly.
If you would like to attend or find out more please e-mail or phone 01786 430000.
>Minutes from 6th February 2018
>Minutes from 30th October 2018
>Minutes from 22nd January 2019
>Minutes from 4th November 2019
Forth Valley Social Enterprise Network
The Forth Valley Social Enterprise Network (FVSEN) has been established by social enterprises in the local area to provide a range of opportunities and support to it’s members. FVSEN also provides a voice for local social enterprises operating in the Forth Valley area, and seeks to represent it’s members both locally and nationally.
FVSEN members are working hard to contribute to the growth and sustainability of the local social economy and their regular meet up’s offer:
- Peer support – where members can benefit from the wide range of expertise and experience of fellow members.
- Group solutions – where members can raise issues and work together to find solutions
- Share best practice – where members can share best practice and get support to adapt, enhance and improve their own practice
- Signposting – where the depth of experience of members can signpost members to additional support services, funding, training and other opportunities
Membership is open to all social enterprises operating in Forth Valley and at all stages of development; from new starts through to well established mature organisations.
SVE is committed to facilitating, representing and promoting FVSEN and it’s members both locally and nationally.
For further information or to become a FVSEN member please contact Lee Stevenson, by e-mail at or by phone: 01786 430000.
Volunteering Network
The Network has been set up to support individuals within Volunteering Involving Organisations (VIO) who work with volunteers, no matter what your job title is, from Lead Volunteers to Volunteer Managers or CEO’s.
You may wish to share your organisations experience or to have access to the vast resources within other VIO’s across the Stirling area as well as across Scotland.
The Network exists to:
- Raise awareness and develop networking among Volunteering Involving Organisations;
- Identify common issues to address;
- Share best practise and skills, and to identify training opportunities and signposting;
- Identify and discuss sharing volunteers, making referrals and partnership working;
- Consider effective forms of influence and representation for VIO’s across the local or Scottish Government.
This Network is open to anyone who interested in developing volunteering within your organisation or is involved with the recruitment, training and care of volunteers. There is no charge for joining the Network and membership is open to statutory, private, independent and third sector.
For more information please contact Tracy Duff on
Resilience and Sustainability Partnership Stirling
The climate and nature emergency affects everyone and we must take collective action to tackle it together across the third sector in Stirling.
It is crucial that we work together with other organisations in order to better understand these challenges, share our experiences, and to ensure that effective local action is taken across the sector in new and existing ways. It is important that we work in partnership with all stakeholders who are interested in tackling the climate and nature emergency in Stirlingshire and requires a sustained, sector-wide commitment to make improvements in our community.
The Resilience and Sustainability Partnership Stirling is open to all third sector organisations in Stirlingshire who are interested in promoting a more sustainable, resilient Stirling. The forum will meet a minimum of four times a year.
If you would like to find out more information or to join as a member, please contact